Τετάρτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008

The tale of being afraid....

Everyone at one point or another during their 'human' life has experience that terrible feeling which makes you feel nautious, dizzy, about to vomit, with palms and forehead sweating or getting ice-cold.

The feeling's name; FEAR. One tiny word, but with such a significance to it. Fear of rejection, fear of death, fear of love, fear of professional or personal failure, fear of heights or other etc etc etc etc. I could go on and on. But instead of boring you people with naming all the kinds of fear that are out there, I'm simply gonna write about the fear which haunts me these days; the fear of moving to another country by myself, with no money, no family and a 'possible futre' in the film industry (not as an actor, but more on the backstage of film kinda job).

My head battles with my heart for weeks now trying to see which one is going to overrule; fight for your ideals even if you fail miserably and come back like a scared dog (=with your tail between your legs) or just stay put to a country where there's no real professional future, career-wise, since the film-industry is still in Zero Ground in my birthplace.

So what would you do if you were, hypothetically, in my shoes? Would you take the leap of faith, or better not risk it and stay put?

Now, don't hurry to answer right away, cause if you're really sane about the matter and not a 100% idealist you would put things down and think about all the factors which would influence such a decision; money, acommoddation, cost of living, entourage etc etc.

Such a dilemma to take such a leap of faith....but what if one does not risk and misses the greatest thing that ever could happen to him...or the worst?! Of course one might say, it's all about how strong a character one is, if you can take the physical and psychological harshness which is going to come your way, whether you make it or not. But if you never do risk and just jump on such a decision, sadly you'll never know whether your life might have been different or not. And as 90% of the western population in our time, people over 40s-50s they tend to reminsce about their life, and look back on that cross-roads, that moment where they could have gone one way or another and always wonder; "what if I chose to go there, or what if I chose to do that? how would my life be now (methinks)." No one can answer that of course.

But who can really say at this stage of my life, in following this way you'll gain everything you've always wanted or if you go this way you'll end up destroying your life for good? And this is where I say like a shakesperean hero in distress: "Aye me, what is a man to do? Take in control of thy destiny and deny the shadows of the past. Look forth for there there lies the unkown; the unknown is your future; whether happy or sad, it is there awaiting for your leap of faith!"

Many leaps of faith....they are the ones which put FEAR out of business.

What is your leap of faith? Do you ever regret having leaped or not?........

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